Latest Version
The latest version is 0.75. Please refer to Changes for history of changes.
You can download rss2imap from!
CVS version
Currently, the next version 0.80 is under development with enthusiasm. The plan of Changes is described in Roadmap.
The latest source code is maintained in SVN. You can get it by executing the following command.
But, what you get does not always works fine. :-)
svn co rss2imap
- version 0.75:
- Added English Documentation! wow!
- Fixed bug some rss feed makes mail subject garbled.
- Fixed bug rss2imap could not delete last-modified mail.
- Fixed bug in case of RSS is not modified, rss2imap generates WARNING.
- Added Atom Feed( version 0.3 only ) support.
- Added Description about Digest::HMAC,LWP::Simple.
- version 0.72:
- Fixed FATAL bug delivering duplicate mail message in other than RSS 1.0 format.
- Changed to force convert any RSS to UTF-8.( there is a sucks RSS which include non-utf8 character even if encoding="utf-8"! )
- Added RSS 2.0 description support.
- Fixed HTML convert routine.
- version 0.71:
- Fixed FATAL bug we could not disable "expire","sync" parameter.
- Fixed FATAL bug some RDF break mail header in text delivery mode.
- Fixed bug rss2imap often generate "From" header blank.
- Changed mail body assemble routine.
- version 0.70:
- Added text delivery mode implementation. In previous version, rss2imap could deriver ONLY HTML Mail, but now it can deriver text/plain mail! :)
- Added functionality import configuration file from opml.
- Added functionality export opml file from configuration file.
- Added Proxy Authentication support.
- Added Configuration file. By this, we can configure rss2imap without modifing source code and command line option.
- Term::ReadPassword is completely needless.
- Basic Code cleanup.
- Fixed bug Some feed generate japanese garbled mail.
- Changed Mail encoding from iso-2022-jp to UTF-8 in both header and body.
- Other small bug fix.
- version 0.21:
- Fixed error handling when you don't install IO::Socket::SSL.
- version 0.2 :
- Accepted IMAP over SSL support patch.
- rss2imap works without Term::ReadPassword.
- In case of Authentication failure, rss2imap display "Authentication Failure." message and Connection Information.
- Temporary fix about "Appropriate Encoding not found!" message.
- version 0.13:
- Fixed bug which folder name ALWAYS converted to the lower case.
- version 0.12:
- Fixed wrong behavior of "expire-unseen" parameter.
- version 0.11:
- Fixed FATAL BUG(in daemon mode, rss2imap didn't sleep!)
Licence, Misc
rss2imap is a free software distributed under the GNU General Public License. If you are interested in development of rss2imap, please email to me. I'll guide about details.